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Comprehensive database of greenfield FDI projects

Instant access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date database of greenfield FDI projects in the world, saving your team time and money on independent research.

Understand key FDI trends

Real-time data can help you analyse FDI trends by source, destination, sector, activity and much more. You can analyse trends from global to city level and by cluster, sector, sub-sector and activity.

Profile over 130,000 active investors

Generate detailed company reports to understand a company's crossborder investment strategy/ You can examine where a company has invested to date; the types of projects they have invested in and any future plans for expansion they may have.

Identify target investors

Develop a robust pipeline of potential investors within your target sectors and receive instant alerts on companies that are planning to invest abroad. Allowing you to keep close track of investors and uncover new business opportunities.